Party Butter Dish Green
Party Butter Dish Green
Introducing the Green Party Butter Dish by Egg Back Home, Over At Alfred's – a delightful fusion of function and festivity for your kitchen. This butter dish, adorned in pastel green, brings a sense of celebration to your table, transforming mundane moments into lively occasions.
Crafted with care, the Green Party Butter Dish is more than just a storage solution; it's a stylish accent that adds a pop of colour to your kitchen.
Elevate your kitchen with the Green Party Butter Dish by Over At Alfred's – where every spread becomes a statement, and every meal is infused with a dash of playful elegance.
Alfred Approves!
Height: 8cm
Width: 13cm
Length: 19cm
Dishwasher and microwave safe. Food safe. Cadmium Free. No two pieces are exactly alike, celebrating individuality.